Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gordon Brown Gets Owned

Or as the kids on the internets would say, "Gordon Brown gets pwned."

Daniel Hannan, a member of the British Parliament, delivers one of the greatest diatribes I've ever seen on a sitting state leader. And without a teleprompter.

"You cannot carry on forever squeezing the productive bit of the economy in order to fund an unprecedented engorgement of the unproductive bit. You cannot spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt.

...You are the devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government."

Can you imagine if someone spoke to the Chosen One this way?


  1. That 'Chosen One' stuff is for thinkers less intelligent than you. Leave that shit to Sean Hannity. Let's leave teleprompter jokes to sites linked from Drudge. It's a talking point that does not bear out in reality. It is not a serious criticism, and should be left to unserious Republicans.

    For the record, I really enjoy your blog.

  2. Point taken, and I agree. The partisan BS should be left to the pundits. I have been very critical of the Republicans on this site and maintain that quip would have and could have easily been made if there were a Republican in the White House. The point is to show that our president, Dem or GOP, is completely sheltered from the type of criticism that is found in the British parliament.

    And the Left DOES treat Obama as a deity, just as the Religious Right treated Bush.

    The teleprompter blog is obviously ran by a right-winger - you can tell just by reading it. But it still has some clever humor.

    I can promise you this - my hatred is absolute and without measure for BOTH Republicans and Democrats.

    I do enjoy the feedback - keep it coming.

  3. "The point is to show that our president, Dem or GOP, is completely sheltered from the type of criticism that is found in the British parliament."

    I absolutely agree. And you obviously have a lot of credibility in that regard because you do trash both parties. It's the 'conservatives' that have come out of the woodwork in the past two months screaming about socialism that piss me off. Although I find the whole 'socialist' meme to be a bit of a boogie man employed by the people like Rush, it's interesting that some people only care about socialism when it comes from a Democrat.

    As you can probably tell, I find Republicans to be a bit more repulsive than the Democrats because at least the Democrats don't pretend to be about small government. Oh, and they're not religious zealots. Although I suppose the Democrats pretend to be against war, so it kind of evens out.

  4. "It's the 'conservatives' that have come out of the woodwork in the past two months screaming about socialism that piss me off."

    I couldn't agree with you more. Where were these "small government, anti-socialists" for the past 8 years? Bush promoted more socialist and corporate fascist programs in 8 years than this country has seen since FDR.

    Regardless of one's thoughts about the presence or perceived presence of socialism or otherwise big government agendas, that is what is to be expected from Democrats - agree with it or not, that is reality, as you said.

    If I must have socialism and big government, I'd rather it come from places expected. Just the same way I'd rather take a punch to the face than the back of the head. At least with the Democrats, you see it coming and can combat it.
